Want to become a volunteer to help us to look after our green spaces? 

What better way to make the most of the autumn than by getting outside, meeting new people and learning new skills too! 

As part of a programme of of fully-funded events in partnership between Stratford Town Trust and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, we're giving you the opportunity to take part in a series of free sessions to learn and understand how to deliver work safely as part of a practical conservation management session at Stratford-upon-Avon Local Nature Reserve.

Warwickshire Wildlife Trust will share skills and knowledge, so you have an enjoyable and productive time. Across the autumn, tasks will focus on will involve coppicing and small tree felling using hand tools such as bowsaws and loppers.  

Learning skills and techniques as well as safe tool use, the sessions will help contribute to the management needed at the site to make it more diverse for wildlife. 

These hands-on sessions will take place in the beautiful surroundings of Stratford-upon-Avon Local Nature Reserve. Each session can be attended individually, or you can come to all of them as long as you have signed up.

All sessions will run from 10am - 2pm on the following dates:

  • Thursday 12th September 
  • Wednesday 25th September 
  • Thursday 3rd October 

You must sign up below to receive full details and important health and safety information.

Register here: https://signup.com/go/wprfFUy or email: volunteer@stratfordtowntrust.co.uk